Chelsea & Justin

July 6, 2024 • Coos Bay, OR

Chelsea & Justin

July 6, 2024 • Coos Bay, OR

Things to Do

Cape Arago State Park

Picture of Cape Arago State Park
Cape Arago State Park, Cape Arago Hwy, Coos Bay, OR 97420, USA
(800) 551-6949

Coos County is blessed to have one of the most beautiful state park in its neighborhood. Justin and Chelsea loves to go here on a random sunny day to relax and have a little picnic. They also have trails that you can go explore if you're feeling adventurous!


Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area Siuslaw National Forest

Picture of Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area Siuslaw National Forest
855 Highway Ave, Reedsport, OR 97467, USA
(541) 271-6000

Oregon coast is also well-known for the Dunes where you can drive around with a quad bike or ATV for an exciting experience.

Bandon Dunes Golf Resort

Picture of Bandon Dunes Golf Resort
57744 Round Lake Rd, Bandon, OR 97411, USA
(877) 652-2122
For guests that play golf, Bandon Dunes Golf Resort is one of the most well known golf resort in the country. It is only a 30 minute drive from Coos Bay. Chelsea and Justin loves coming here and even though they dont play golf, they enjoy eating at the restaurants inside the resort which serves delicious meals.

Hilltop House Restaurant and Lounge

93405 Willsey Ln, North Bend, OR 97459, USA
(541) 756-4160
This happens to be one of Chelsea’s favorite restaurant in town and Justin often takes her here for a date night. They serve delicious dinner with a glass of wine overlooking the dunes from the hill where the restaurant is located. We recommend making a reservation towards sunset and thank us later. 😉

Portside Restaurant

63383 Kingfisher Rd, Charleston, OR 97420, USA
(541) 888-5544

Being so close to the ocean, seafood is one of Coos County's best. Justin and Chelsea recommend this restaurant for they have wide variety in their menu to choose from specially fresh seafood.

Tony's Crab Shack

Picture of Tony's Crab Shack
155 1st St SE, Bandon, OR 97411, USA
(541) 347-2875
Oregon coast is well-known for Dungeness crab and it wouldnt be a full experience being here if you wont try it. Chelsea loves coming here on a weekend and Justin grabs a hotdog for himself since he is allergic, Chelsea always teases him since he does not know what he is missing.


2049 Newmark Ave, Coos Bay, OR 97420, USA
(541) 808-2321

They got the meats.